The last blog.


Good afternoon everyone, since this is the last blog, I am going to comment on what I thought of this process. The blogs were something new as an exercise to practice, I had never been made to do something like this, I think that to this day I feel that I do not know much about the language we are studying, English has been hard for me since I was little and that is why I am constantly asking for corrections to people I know and know a little more about the subject.

At first it was hard for me to assimilate that every Wednesday I had to write a blog about different topics that the teacher gave, and I found it a little scary, but the good thing is that I gradually adapted to be a little more consistent with the writing.

There are times when I just don't have the head to think about what to write, I forget ideas and words, and the time it takes me to write the blogs doesn't help, I think I lack more vocabulary to learn in order to move forward.

I think that with effort I have managed to learn to connect certain situations that help me to express myself in a better way.

Well, that's all for today, take care bye.



  1. Hi Millaray! I understand you, I am always asking my friends who are better in the language if they can help me or read my blogs hahaha. 😅

  2. I feel like what happens to you, I have a hard time with English but I don't ask for help, too bad, but well, I'm glad for your achievements uwu.


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