My favorite place to be

Good afternoon everyone, I want to tell you that for me it is necessary to go on vacation every year, even a few days, because it bores me to be all the time in Santiago and the noise of cars passing by the avenue, also in the capital I have no family nearby only friends and acquaintances, so my favorite place to go is the countryside.

I like that clean air, I love the trees, the birds singing during the day, the peace and quiet that I don't find in Santiago. Near where my grandmother lives there is a hill, I used to go there with my cousins, it was a lot of fun to have as a goal to get to the top of the hill without falling, the only thing I didn't like is that I always arrived with thorns embedded in my clothes and still I went back to do it every week.

I even enjoy the cold mornings, when the fog falls and the wind freezes you. I would love to go back as soon as possible and stay and live there. That's all, bye guys take care.


  1. Hi Millaray! I understand you perfectly, although I am not from Santiago, I like to escape from my city from time to time. I like to go to the beach and relax with the sound of the sea, drink tea in the afternoon and think about life. Regards! (❁´◡`❁)

  2. Yeah I agree, I like to travel to zones like that, it's really pleasant be surrounded for trees and pure air

  3. have you seen the stars at night when you are in the countryside? i find that such a view cannot be found in santiago, it is unique. regards!


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